Introducing Mediadesigner Simeon Wetzel

About myself

I've been working as as madiadesinger in Dresden, Germany since 2001. Alongside creating Videoprojects, Printproducts and Websites, I am always working on several own projects like JesusComic or BibleCartoon. Besides creative production I travel a lot as cutural missionary, reaching out to the alternative youth sceene in Dresden, Germany and europe, working with and suporting diverent churches and mission organisations.


Projects - Videoclips about the Bible - A comic of the Bible


Missions Statement

As Ministry I want to support different organizations, basically with my gift of video creation but also quite practical. I so far worked a lot with my church Jesusfreaks, with Steiger International, with Youth with a Mission, with EMO Wiesbaden and others. Since I did the Steiger Mission School this year the connection with Steiger will influence my work probably a lot in the next years and new exiting projects will come up.

--- Full Missions Statement and Newsletter ---



